Accurate UAV Tracking with Distance-Injected Overlap
UAV tracking is usually challenged by the dual-dynamic disturbances that arise from not only diverse moving
target but also motion camera, leading to a more serious model drift issue than traditional visual tracking.
In this work, we propose to alleviate this issue with distance-injected overlap maximization. Our idea is
improving the accuracy of target localization by deriving a conceptually simple target localization loss and
a global feature recalibration scheme in a mutual reinforced way. In particular, the target localization
loss is designed by simply incorporating the normalized distance of target offset and generic semantic IoU
loss, resulting in the distance-injected semantic IoU loss, and its minimal solution can alleviate the drift
problem caused by camera motion. Moreover, the deep feature extractor is reconstructed and alternated with a
feature recalibration network, which can leverage the global information to recalibrate significant features
and suppress negligible features. Following by multi-scale feature concat, the proposed tracker can improve
the discriminative capability of feature representation for UAV targets on the fly. Extensive experimental
results on four benchmarks, i.e. UAV123, UAVDT, DTB70, and VisDrone, demonstrate the superiority of the
proposed tracker against existing state-of-the-arts on UAV tracking.
author = {Chunhui Zhang, and Shiming Ge, and Kangkai Zhang, and Dan Zeng},
title = {Accurate UAV Tracking with Distance-Injected Overlap Maximization},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},
year = {2020},
Cascaded Correlation Refinement for Robust Deep
Recent deep trackers have shown superior performance in visual tracking. In this article, we propose a
cascaded correlation refinement approach to facilitate the robustness of deep tracking. The core idea is to
address accurate target localization and reliable model update in a collaborative way. To this end, our
approach cascades multiple stages of correlation refinement to progressively refine target localization.
Thus, the localized object could be used to learn an accurate on-the-fly model for improving the reliability
of model update. Meanwhile, we introduce an explicit measure to identify the tracking failure and then
leverage a simple yet effective look-back scheme to adaptively incorporate the initial model and on-the-fly
model to update the tracking model. As a result, the tracking model can be used to localize the target more
accurately. Extensive experiments on OTB2013, OTB2015, VOT2016, VOT2018, UAV123, and GOT10k demonstrate that
the proposed tracker achieves the best robustness against the state of the arts.
author={S. {Ge} and C. {Zhang} and S. {Li} and D. {Zeng} and D. {Tao}},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems},
title={Cascaded Correlation Refinement for Robust Deep Tracking},
Distilling Channels for Efficient Deep
Deep trackers have proven success in visual tracking. Typically, these trackers employ optimally pre-trained
deep networks to represent all diverse objects with multi-channel features from some fixed layers. The deep
networks employed are usually trained to extract rich knowledge from massive data used in object
classification and so they are capable to represent generic objects very well. However, these networks are
too complex to represent a specific moving object, leading to poor generalization as well as high
computational and memory costs. This paper presents a novel and general framework termed channel
distillation to facilitate deep trackers. To validate the effectiveness of channel distillation, we take
discriminative correlation filter (DCF) and ECO for example. We demonstrate that an integrated formulation
can turn feature compression, response map generation, and model update into a unified energy minimization
problem to adaptively select informative feature channels that improve the efficacy of tracking moving
objects on the fly. Channel distillation can accurately extract good channels, alleviating the influence of
noisy channels and generally reducing the number of channels, as well as adaptively generalizing to
different channels and networks. The resulting deep tracker is accurate, fast, and has low memory
requirements. Extensive experimental evaluations on popular benchmarks clearly demonstrate the effectiveness
and generalizability of our framework.
author={S. {Ge} and Z. {Luo} and C. {Zhang} and Y. {Hua} and D. {Tao}},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
title={Distilling Channels for Efficient Deep Tracking},
Robust Deep Tracking with Two-step Augmentation
Discriminative Correlation
Recently, deep trackers have proven success in visual tracking due to their powerful feature representation.
Among them, discriminative correlation filter (DCF) paradigm is widely used. However, these trackers are
still difficult to learn an adaptive appearance model of the object due to the limited data available. To
address that, this paper proposes a two-step augmentation discriminative correlation filters (TADCF)
approach to improve robustness. Firstly, we propose an online frame augmentation scheme to obtain rich and
robust deep features which can effectively alleviate background distractors, leading to better
generalization and adaptation of the learned model. Secondly, an object augmentation mechanism is
implemented by exploiting rotation continuity restriction, which simultaneously models target appearance
changes from rotation and scale variations. Extensive experiments on four benchmarks illustrate that the
proposed approach performs favorably against state-of-the-art trackers.
author={C. {Zhang} and S. {Ge} and Y. {Hua} and D. {Zeng}},
booktitle={2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)},
title={Robust Deep Tracking with Two-step Augmentation Discriminative Correlation Filters},