Yingying Hua's Homepage
Yingying Hua (化盈盈)
Welcome to my homepage!
- Ph.D. Cyberspace Security, Institute of Information
Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2018.09~now
- B.S. Communication Engineering, School of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering, NanKai University, 2014.09~2018.06.
Email: huayingying@iie.ac.cn
Research Interests
- Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Explainable AI
- Interpretable Face Manipulation Detection via Feature Whitening.
ICML Workshop, 2021,
Yingying Hua, Daichi Zhang, Pengju Wang, Shimng Ge*.
- Interpret the Predictions of Deep Networks via Re-label Distillation.
In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2021,
Yingying Hua, Shimng Ge*, Daichi Zhang.
- 深度学习模型可解释性的研究进展.
信息安全学报, 2020, 5(3):1-12.,
- Defending Against Adversarial Examples via Soft Decision Trees Embedding.
In ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), 2019, 2106-2114.,
Yingying Hua, Shiming Ge*, Xindi Gao, et al.