Recent Publications

  • DANCE: Dual-View Distribution Alignment for Dataset Condensation. Hansong Zhang, Shikun Li, Fanzhao Lin, Weiping Wang, Zhenxing Qian, Shiming Ge*. 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2024.

  • M3D: Dataset Condensation by Minimizing Maximum Mean Discrepancy. Hansong Zhang, Shikun Li, Pengju Wang, Dan Zeng, Shiming Ge*. Thirty-Eighth Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024.

  • Coupled Confusion Correction: Learning from Crowds with Sparse Annotations. Hansong Zhang, Shikun Li, Dan Zeng, Chenggang Yan, Shiming Ge*. Thirty-Eighth Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024.

  • Learning Patch-Channel Correspondence for Interpretable Face Forgery Detection. Yingying Hua, Ruixin Shi, Pengju Wang, Shiming Ge*. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2023.

  • Learning Privacy-Preserving Student Networks via Discriminative-Generative Distillation. Shiming Ge, Bochao Liu, Pengju Wang, Yong Li*, Dan Zeng. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2023, 32: 116-127.

  • Estimating Noise Transition Matrix with Label Correlations for Noisy Multi-Label Learning. Shikun Li, Xiaobo Xia, Hansong Zhang, Yibing Zhan, Shiming Ge*, and Tongliang Liu. In Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022.

  • Deepfake Video Detection with Spatiotemporal Dropout Transformer. Daichi Zhang, Fanzhao Lin, Yingying Hua, Pengju Wang, Dan Zeng and Shiming Ge*. In ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), 2022.

  • 资源受限场景中的联邦学习技术综述. 王鹏举,卢江虎,刘博超,葛仕明*. 信息安全学报, 2022.

  • Selective-Supervised Contrastive Learning with Noisy Labels. Shikun Li, Xiaobo Xia, Shiming Ge*, and Tongliang Liu. In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.

  • Regularized Latent Space Exploration for Discriminative Face Super-Resolution. Ruixin Shi, Junzheng Zhang, Yong Li*, and Shiming Ge*. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022.

  • Interpretable Face Manipulation Detection via Feature Whitening. Yingying Hua, Daichi Zhang, Pengju Wang, Shiming Ge*. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML Workshop), 2021.

  • Student Network Learning via Evolutionary Knowledge Distillation. Kangkai Zhang, Chunhui Zhang, Shikun Li, Dan Zeng, and Shiming Ge*. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2021.

  • Detecting Deepfake Videos with Temporal Dropout 3DCNN. Daichi Zhang, Chenyu Li, Fanzhao Lin, Dan Zeng, Shiming Ge*. In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2021

  • Cascaded Correlation Refinement for Robust Deep Tracking. Shiming Ge*, Chunhui Zhang, Shikun Li, Dan Zeng*, and Dacheng Tao. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 2021, 32(3): 1276-1288.

  • 深度学习模型可解释性的研究进展. 化盈盈,张岱墀,葛仕明*. 信息安全学报, 2020, 5(3): 1-12.

  • Look Through Masks: Towards Masked Face Recognition with De-Occlusion Distillation. Chenyu Li, Shiming Ge*, Daichi Zhang, and Jia Li. In ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), 2020: 3016–3024.

  • Efficient Low-Resolution Face Recognition via Bridge Distillation. Shiming Ge, Shengwei Zhao, Chenyu Li, Yu Zhang, and Jia Li*. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2020, 29: 6898-6908.


2024.05 论文"Masked Face Recognition with Generative-to-Discriminative Representations"被会议ICML 2024录用

2024.04 论文"DANCE: Dual-View Distribution Alignment for Dataset Condensation"被会议IJCAI 2024录用

2024.04 论文"Learning Contrast-enhanced Shape-biased Representations for Infrared Small Target Detection."被期刊IEEE TIP录用

2024.04 论文"Transferring Annotator- and Instance-dependent Transition Matrix for Learning from Crowds"被期刊IEEE TPAMI录用

2024.03 3篇论文被IJCNN 2024会议录用,分别涉及联邦学习、低分率人脸识别、视频人脸超分

2024.01 论文"Multimodal Composition Example Mining for Composed Query Image Retrieval."被期刊IEEE TIP录用

2023.12 2篇论文被AAAI 2024会议录用,分别涉及众包学习、数据集蒸馏

2023.10 论文"Learning Shape-Biased Representations for Infrared Small Target Detection"被期刊IEEE TMM录用

2023.07 2篇论文被ACM MM 2023会议录用,分别涉及联邦学习、视频动作定位

2023.06 论文"Low-Resolution Object Recognition with Cross-Resolution Relational Contrastive Distillation"被期刊IEEE TCSVT录用

2023.04 论文"Model Conversion via Differentially Private Data-Free Distillation"被IJCAI 2023会议论用

2023.02 论文"Learning Patch-Channel Correspondence for Interpretable Face Forgery Detection."被期刊IEEE TIP录用

2022.12 论文"WebUAV-3M: A Benchmark for Unveiling the Power of Million-Scale Deep UAV Tracking."被期刊IEEE TPAMI录用

2022.11 论文"Learning Privacy-Preserving Student Networks via Discriminative-Generative Distillation."被期刊IEEE TIP录用

2022.09 论文"Estimating Noise Transition Matrix with Label Correlations for Noisy Multi-Label Learning."被会议NeurIPS 2022录用

2022.07 论文"Deepfake Video Detection with Spatiotemporal Dropout Transformer."被会议ACM MM 2022录用

2022.06 论文"资源受限场景中的联邦学习技术综述."被中文核心期刊《信息安全学报》录用

2022.05 论文"Efficient Video Grounding with Which-Where Reading Comprehension."被期刊IEEE TCSVT录用

2022.05 论文"Deepfake Video Detection via Predictive Representation Learning."被期刊ACM TOMM录用

2022.04 论文"Robust Weight Perturbation for Adversarial Training."被会议IJCAI 2022录用

2022.03 论文"Selective-Supervised Contrastive Learning with Noisy Labels."被会议CVPR 2022录用

2022.02 论文"Regularized Latent Space Exploration for Discriminative Face Super-Resolution."被会议ICASSP 2022录用

2021.12 论文"Trustable Co-label Learning from Multiple Noisy Annotators."被期刊IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM) 录用

2021.09 论文"Skeleton-based Action Recognition with Focusing-Diffusion Graph Convolutional Networks."被期刊IEEE Signal Processing Letters录用

2021.06 论文"Interpretable Face Manipulation Detection via Feature Whitening"被会议ICML Workshop录用

2021.06 论文"Student Network Learning via Evolutionary Knowledge Distillation"被期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology录用

2021.06 论文"Self-guided Body Part Alignment with Relation Transformers for Occluded Person Re-Identification"被期刊IEEE Signal Processing Letters录用

2021.05 论文"Detecting Deepfake Videos with Temporal Dropout 3DCNN"被会议IJCAI 2021录用

2021.04 论文"Interpret the Predictions of Deep Networks via Re-label Distillation"被会议ICME 2021录用

2020.08 3篇论文被ACM MM 2020接收,分别涉及蒙面人脸识别、无人机物体跟踪和多模态人脸生成领域

2020.07 祝贺赵胜伟和张春辉两位同学顺利通过硕士论文答辩

2020.06 获得第一届国际反无人机竞赛Anti-UAV@CVPR2020冠军

2020.03论文"Cascaded Correlation Refinement for Robust Deep Tracking"被期刊IEEE TNNLS录用

2020.01 论文"Occluded Face Recognition in the Wild by Identity-Diversity Inpainting"被期刊IEEE TCSVT录用